Limited Transfer Facility (LTF) on request of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) – Guidelines.
The minimum engagement condition for transfer of GDS under LTF is revised from 'one year' to 'TWO YEARS OF CONTINUOUS ENGAGEMENT'. It implies that a GDS should have completed minimum continuous engagement of a period of TWO (2) years from the date of regular engagement as GDS on the last date fixed for submission of online application in a particular cycle will be eligible to seek transfer under the LTF.
Order of Priority : In case of receipt of two or more application for transfer on a same post, the order of priority in which transfer application will be processed in online mode, will be as under :
(i) GDS with PwD (having benchmark disabilities)
(ii) Female GDS - on spouse ground where male spouse is working at the destination station in Central/State Government or their undertaking/PSU/Subordinate organizations etc. (Certificate to this
effect will have to be submitted)
(iii) Male GDS- on spouse ground where female spouse is working at the destination station (having job of non-transferable nature in Central/State Government or their undertaking/PSU/Subordinate
organizations etc.) (Certificate to this effect will have to be submitted)
(iv) Date of engagement (GDS joining on a prior date will have preference over the GDS joining on a later date)
(v) Female (other than spouse ground)
(vi) Date of birth (older in age to be given preference) and
(vii) Date & time of application (applicant submitting application at a prior date & time will have preference over the applicant who submitted application later)
Note: The preference to transfer on the spouse ground will only be available if the spouse of the GDS is working in Central Government, State Government or in any of its subordinate organization or undertaking of Central/State Government. The GDS seeking transfer on spouse ground, will have to upload the certificate issued by the Employer while submitting application in the enclosed format annexed as Annexure - I or Annexure-II as the case may be.