Post office Duplicate Passbook Form PDF Download

How to Obtain a Duplicate Passbook from India Post Details Guide Are you lost your India post Passbook? Here's the solution for the Duplicate Passbook

How to Obtain a Post Office Duplicate Passbook from India Post Details Guide

Are you lost your India post Passbook? Here's the solution for the Duplicate Passbook. India Post, the country's widely trusted postal network, offers a range of essential services, including savings accounts. If you've misplaced or lost your passbook, there's no need to worry. India Post provides a convenient solution through its Duplicate Passbook service, ensuring you can access your account information without any hassle.

Steps to Obtain a Duplicate Passbook:

1. Visit the Nearest Post Office:

Head to the nearest India Post branch where you hold your savings account. Approach the customer service desk for assistance with obtaining a duplicate passbook.

2. Application Form:

Collect the Duplicate Passbook application form from the counter. Fill out the form accurately and provide all necessary details, including your account number, name, and address.

3. Document Verification:

 Along with the completed application form, you will be required to submit a valid proof of identity and address. Carry original as well as photocopies of documents like Aadhar card, PAN card, voter ID, passport, or any other government-issued photo ID for verification purposes.

4. Passbook Replacement Fee:

Pay the nominal fee for passbook replacement as specified by India Post. The fee may vary, so it's advisable to inquire about the current charges at the post office counter.

5. Verification Process:

   Once you've submitted the application form and necessary documents, the post office staff will initiate the verification process. This may take a few days, during which your details will be verified against the records.

6. Collect Your Duplicate Passbook:

   Upon successful verification, you will be notified to collect your duplicate passbook from the same post office where you submitted the application. Ensure you carry the receipt of the fee payment and your original identification documents for verification before receiving the new passbook.


Losing a passbook can be a stressful experience, but with India Post's efficient Duplicate Passbook service, you can quickly replace your lost or damaged passbook. By following these simple steps and providing the necessary documents, you'll regain access to your savings account without any inconvenience. Always remember to keep your passbook in a safe place to avoid such situations in the future.

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