Darpan Android App (DARPAN 2.0) Important Key points for users

In the Unified Darpan Android App (DARPAN 2.0), there are specific guidelines and key points that need to be followed:

Unified Darpan Android App (DARPAN 2.0) Guidelines

DARPAN App key points

In the Unified Darpan Android App (DARPAN 2.0), there are specific guidelines and key points that need to be followed:

1. Scanning and Data Entry:

Upon opening the bag, each article should be scanned or typed to confirm the arrival of virtual data.

Articles sent from the Sorting Office (SO) can be viewed below if the virtual data has arrived. A red tick mark will indicate successful scanning.

On the same screen, enter the Product ID and Received Stamp ID (obtained from BO Slip), input the received number, and click Add.

Cash received from the SO must be entered in the Amount Received field. Finally, click Save.

2. Mobile Number Entry:

When booking any articles (RL, SPEED, PARCEL, EMO), it is mandatory to enter the mobile number of the sender.

3. Emo Booking:

While booking EMO, ensure that a message is selected before proceeding with the booking process.

4. Handling Redirected and Returned Articles:

Booked, redirected, and returned articles can be found below. Each one needs to be scanned or typed individually above.

5. Retrieving CBS Transaction ID:

If you forget to write down the CBS Transaction ID, you can find it in the Transaction Report, including the reference number of new accounts.

6. Cash Handling Procedure:

There is no need to perform any additional steps on the BPM phone to receive cash in the cash bag from the SO. Follow the same procedure as in the sub-office.

7. CBS/PLI Transactions:

In case a CBS/PLI transaction is not completed due to server issues, ensure that necessary actions are taken to resolve the problem and complete the transaction.

In CBS, take Transaction Status option, select Transaction Type, Fetch and Update.  Either Transaction Failed or Transaction Posted Successfully message will appear.  If failed, do the same transaction.  If successful, find the Transaction ID from the Daily Transaction Report and write it in the voucher.

8. PLI/RPLI Transactions:

For PLI/RPLI transactions, select the Transaction Type in the Transaction Update option and click Fetch. Check the Fetch Status below; a successful transaction will display the receipt number. Even in case of failure, follow the same steps. You can find the receipt number by selecting the Print Duplicate option in the Premium Collection section and entering the policy number.

9. IPPB Transactions:

Before the Day End process, go to the Utilities tab and select IPPB option. Enter today's Total IPPB Deposit Amount (including IPPB, DLC, CELC, etc.) and Total IPPB Withdrawal Amount (IPPB, AEPS, etc.). If there are no IPPE transactions for the day, enter '0' (This step is mandatory).

10. Data Entry:

Utilize the Data Entry option to input information related to CSC, Postage Due collected, and UCR.

11. Reconciliation and Day End:

Ensure that Wallet Balance and Cash in Hand are equal before initiating the Day End process.

Any cash sent to the Sorting Office (SO) should be recorded in the Generate BODA option after completing the Day End procedures.

12. PLI/RPLI Default Fee:

Note that the PLI/RPLI default fee is not displayed separately; however, the Total Amount, including the default fee, is shown as the total to be collected.

By following these additional guidelines, users can effectively manage PLI/RPLI transactions, IPPB activities, data entry tasks, and ensure accurate reconciliation and day-end processes using the Unified Darpan Android App (DARPAN 2.0).

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